Saturday, October 28, 2006

Some photos from Nina's 90th



A surprised Nina enters the party room

Long Time Gone; Time to Remember

Here it is many months later and I'm just getting up the energy to post again. This blogging business isn't as easy as it seems. In February I had written up the post about uncle Wally and was attempting to load photos of Mother's birthday party only to fail utterly. I think part of my problem is the anemic machine I'm using combined with a dial-up connection. I cancelled the post and ignored the blog ever since then.

However, the month of October has turned my thoughts back to this blog. In pagan and Christian tradition, the end of the month was a time to acknowledge the passing of lives of loved ones...the origin of Hallowe'en, of course, and the moment the calendar page turns to October, images of Hallowe'en are everywhere, reminding us of the nearly universal attention paid to death and loss. Twenty years ago this month the Reed family lost its dad, Alex. It hardly seems credible, twenty years. The little Reed family world lost one of its foundations and for me, at least, it was never as bright again. Next month is the fourth anniversary of the death of son and brother, Dan, another bright light whose loss has dimmed our world.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Walter Trutko

Early this month my uncle, Walter Trutko, died. He was my mother's younger brother, the youngest of the children of her family.

He was born in Akron, Ohio, on January 27, 1925, and lived most of his adult life in Cleveland, Ohio. As a youth he worked as a soda jerk and newsboy but enlisted in the Army immediately upon graduating from Akron's South High School. He served in the infantry in the Battle of Bulge where he was badly wounded by mortar fire.

Following his war service he took advantage of the G.I. Bill to attend college where he met Helen Fogg, whom he was to marry the next year.

Walter worked at other jobs but was seriously interested in the stock market. He was able to make an old dream come true when, in 1962, the Bache Company offered him training and a position as a broker. He later worked for other firms but finally earned a position at Merrill Lynch where he stayed for over 25 years.

Uncle Wally and Aunt Helen had three children, Jim, Joanne, and John. Their lives together were replete with happy memories of boating on Lake Erie, football games at Brown stadium, beach vacations, and the simple pleasures of burgers at a favorite hang-out.

I only met him a few times, and when I was very young. What I remember most is his big smile.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Guests at the Party

Nina's party guests included: Adele Chadwick; Ted and Emma Raddish; Uncle George Havale; Joe and Lisa Beth Snyder; Joe and Mary Wythoff, Nina's friends from Anza; Rachel Gray; Alyssa Hichborn, and Alyssa's two children Brandon and Sonia; David Reed, daughter Alexa Wondergem and Alexa's son Eban; Lisa's good friend Nellie; Andrea Reed and her sister visiting from Chile, Maria Elena; Nina's sister Lilian Sundet and Lil's daughter Dianne Sundet, who both live in Denver; Lisa, Elmo, Hollie, Aaron, and Ethan Thibodeaux; and Jane.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Family Blog

Hello everyone...welcome to my blog. I was inspired to blog while driving home today, upon hearing a radio program host tell how easy it was for a person to create a web site, and for free, too.

I'll inaugurate the blog by a description of the 90th birthday celebration for my mom, Nina Reed; photos will follow, as they come in. My sister, Lisa, and I decided to have a surprise party for her on the Saturday following her birthday of January 19, 2006. Many of our relatives and friends were able to make the trek to San Jacinto, where Mother lives, and join us at a local cafe for a light lunch, birthday cake, and family stories. We had a very nice time and I'm so grateful to all who came.

Mother's first surprise was that I showed up at her house late Friday night, instead of at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. I told her my other plans had fallen through. Her second surprise came when she was called into the house for a purported phone call from her sister Lilian; she came in the door to talk to her sister and was presented with her sister and niece Dianne in person. Lil and Dianne had flown in from Denver the evening before, and stayed overnight at a motel in Hemet. I fetched them to Mother's house on Saturday morning, so they would have more time to visit. Mother expected them to come to our annual birthday lunch we always went to.

The party was slated to start at 2:00 p.m. Around noon Mother started making noises about setting off for the restaurant where we'd have lunch. We stalled as long as we could then Lisa, Lil, Dianne, and I left the house at about 1:15. We took the long way, to say the least. We drove around old town San Jacinto; we drove by the high school; we went through a drive-through coffee stall; drove through Art Linkletter's Sierra Dawn mobile home park; we drove here there and everywhere, taking "wrong" turns several times. Finally, I turned back in the direction of the cafe. Mother couldn't figure out why I couldn't follow directions, and just go where she told me to.

We approached the parking lot just as Ted, Emma, and Adele were getting out of their car. I spotted them and drove down a ways to enter at the far end of the lot so Mother would not see them. We parked, just as Alexa got out of her car; I signaled her to turn around and go back. She went back to her car, just as Elmo and the boys drove in. Mother recognized the car and wondered what they were doing there. We were still in the car, while Lisa ran into the cafe on the excuse she had to check with Nellie to finish doing the "favor" which had delayed Lisa earlier. We finally got the signal, went into the cafe and Mother got the BIG surprise when she saw David, and then all the others waiting to greet her in the dining room. Great hilarity ensued.

For the next 2 1/2 hours we ate and drank and visited. Photos in my albums and baby book were spurs to the relating of family anecdotes and histories. A very satisfying afternoon altogether.

I'll add the guest list tomorrow and photos as they arrive. Please e-mail me if you have information or news; I'll it add to the blog.